Star Wars - The Force Awakens

Star Wars - The Magic Returns

Info - Star Wars - The Magic Returns

The team behind the latest addition in the Star Wars series -Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens- released a making-of reel during Comic-Con a few days ago - which triggered something. At least with me. The original Star Wars series are, as we all know, a bit of a landmark in cinema history. You may like them, or you may not - those films left their mark and shaped at least a part of the cinema landscape of today.

URSA CFast Compatibility List

The URSA-Family CFast Compatibility List

Info - The URSA-Family CFast Compatibility List

LAST UPDATE: August 6th2015 - For all most recent prices, I'd like to refer you to my newest addition to my domain: the MediaMonitor. It keeps track of prices for and compatibility with all recording media suitable for use with (amongst others) the Blackmagic Design URSA camera's. I will no longer be updating the prices on this page, bookmark the MediaMonitor for further updates. - Saint Helena Dove - music sessions at the thrift store

Info - - music sessions at the thrift store

Let's finish this, I've had a concept of this post stored in my websites for over a year now - never posted it for no particular reason. So I should call this a Golden Oldie by now. This post isn't directly about cinematography, cameras or gear. But I thought it was worth sharing nontheless! For years I've collaberated on a project called InDeKringloop, which can roughly be translated as AtTheThriftStore. The idea is as follows: a musician plays a (mostly) acoustic session in a thrift store (second hand store). 

Focal Reducer Comparison on the BMPCC

Focal Reducer comparisonon the Pocket Cinema Camera

Info - Focal Reducer comparisonon the Pocket Cinema Camera

Recently I took a gamble and bought a 0.72x focal reducer from an eBay store called Roxsen. It's similar to the RJ Focal Reducer. Unlike the Mitakon Lens Turbo, this one fits without any trouble at all. Last weekend I got around to giving it a field-test whilst shooting a video for a client - an exclusive car rental agency here in the Netherlands. 


Archiving and backing up your projects

Info - Archiving and backing up your projects

There's an aspect of post production which I've put off for a long time: backups and archiving projects. Mostly because every method out there came out to be a pretty expensive, or at least - more expensive then I'd like. External RAID arrays, NAS boxes, 19" rack-servers - I've been through them all, on paper at least. But I ended up with a slightly simpler solution which works great for me, and is very manageable.